As Idle as a painted ship, a jar, a pint, a Pinta, upon a painted ocean.
Author’s Note: Samuel Taylor Coleridge taught us hope springs from despair, that helplessness begets despair-ration. When we have stalled midway on a journey, Show charity toward others, have faith, for suddenly there is the wind of God.
Stuck? Can’t get going? Choose. Take one step. “Get busy living or get busy dying.” 🎶Momma said there’ll be days like this 🎶Such is life, such is being, such is promise, such is Love🎶Get up and go outside, don’t let the old man in🎶
Good advice sometimes comes from poetry, sometimes in song (Coleridge, Freeman, Shirelles, Denver, Eastwood), always from God, if you stand idle as that painted ship and listen carefully, you will hear His voice.
Tom Tenbrunsel
Poet Laureate of My Domain
Day after Day,
Day after Day,
This Country,
Struck nor Breath,
Nor Motion.
Seemingly, adrift,
Like that painted ship,
On a motion picture,
Then Suddenly,
All holy hell broke out,
And things started happening,
And the World Over!
Things of which you and I
Have heard whispered rumors,
But never,
Never in our wildest experiences,
Have we ever, ever dreamed,
Would ever happen!
Yep, surreal, it will seem,
Like in your wildest dream,
Unreal, but very, very real,
Will you Awaken,
It’s all good!
It will make perfect sense,
To all of good will,
Stay close to family,
Love thy neighbor as thyself,
Thank God🙏
It's easy to say "Get busy living or get busy dying."