Precious were those that first moments of the birth of Christ on Christmas. Joseph was astonished. Mary knew. She knew the whole story and from birth, when she nurtured the baby Jesus, even then sorrow accompanied the joy. Perhaps we can join in the celebration of those who were drawn to the infant Savior, perhaps we can empathize with Mary. Shepards came with their flock. Three Kings, Balthazar from Arabia perhaps Ethiopia, Melchior from Persia, Gaspar from India, perhaps the last of a dying breed of Wise Men. They followed the Christmas Star (possibly Saturn and Jupiter converged then also). Who knows? But we do know that tiny gathering of heaven and earth, regardless of creed or religion, has grown into billions today, and still from the fog of centuries, we celebrate! And that’s something!
Aurthor’s Note: It was a family tradition (and I didn’t mind it a bit), because it extended the Festivities. We always kept our tree up until the Feast of the Epiphany , every January, 6th.