*photo by abby ruppert
Last night in the twilight of sleep
I closed my eyes
And ZIP,
My mind unloaded a barrage
Of facts, writings, jumbled items, symbols, formulas, charts, figures and etc.,
All sorts of vividly unrecognizable junk
I saw it all distinctly projected on the back of my lids
A mirage of things I did not recognize
If I could of,
I would of screen shot it!
But no matter
My mind has it’s own mind
And deleted a ton of cluttered files
Unbeknownst to me
As I slept fast asleep.
I awoke unburdened
Amazingly refreshed
With more room to think
My own new thoughts
My mind knows me best
Oft’ still at work
While I rest still
tom tenbrunsel
Carl Sandburg Writer 2023
“It’s amazing what you don’t see.”