And suddenly a tree appeared *our humble Christmas memory tree
Out of nowhere,
As if it had been there all along,
Or perhaps in a box.
With and Angel atop,
It’s brilliance
Brought instant Joy
To my heart
For the tree carried
A thousand trumpeting lights
And as many colorful hanging memories,
Memories of Christmas past,
Christmas present,
And Alas,
At last, it forbode Christmas older.
A tiny tear
Awakened me
From my blury-eyed stare,
Reminding me
To savor each year’s
Miss none,
For the child returns in each of us
Each and every year,
To once again decorate and celebrate
The other Child being born,
The reason we are gathered here
Round tensiled tree adorned.
“Merry Christmas Everyone!”
Alas, my good people, for I give you poetry, photos, prose, tradition, rhyme, tempo, rhythm, shape, punctuation, missspellings and song of an army of trees Christmas!
tom tenbrunsel
The Poet Laureate of Xmas